
Here you can find the complete list of my publications. You can use the tag cloud below to select only the papers dealing with specific research topics. You can expand the Abstract, Links and BibTex record of each paper.

140 entries « 2 of 2 »


Coronato, Antonio; Gallo, Luigi

Towards Abnormal Behavior Detection of Cognitive Impaired People Proceedings Article

In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), pp. 865–870, IEEE, Lugano, Switzerland, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4673-0906-6.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Mild Cognitive Impairment

Essmaeel, Kyis; Gallo, Luigi; Damiani, Ernesto; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Dipanda, Albert

Temporal denoising of Kinect depth data Proceedings Article

In: SITIS '12: Eighth International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, pp. 47–52, IEEE, Sorrento, Italy, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5152-2.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Depth data, Kinect, Smoothing, Temporal denoising

Gallo, Luigi; AP, Placitelli; Pietro, Giuseppe De

A Kinect NUI for 3D medical visualization Proceedings Article

In: CHALEARN Gesture Demonstration Competition, in conjunction with the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012)(Tsukuba, Japan), 2012. Second Place Award, 2012.

BibTeX | Tags:

Vecchia, Gennaro Della; Gallo, Luigi; Esposito, Massimo; Coronato, Antonio

An Infrastructure For Smart Hospitals Journal Article

In: Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 341–362, 2012, ISSN: 1573-7721.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Context awareness, Healthcare, Pervasive computing, Photosensors, RFID, SOA


Placitelli, Alessio Pierluigi; Gallo, Luigi

Low-Cost Augmented Reality Systems via 3D Point Cloud Sensors Proceedings Article

In: SITIS '11: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems, pp. 188–192, IEEE Computer Society, Dijon - France, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4635-3.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Augmented Reality, Point cloud

Ciampi, Mario; Coronato, Antonio; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi

Architectural Models for Reliable Multi-user interfaces Book Section

In: Khan, Badrul H. (Ed.): User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61350-516-8.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Natural User Interfaces

Gallo, Luigi; Placitelli, Alessio Pierluigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De

Interfacce evolute per la visualizzazione di immagini medicali Journal Article

In: e-HealthCare, vol. 3, no. 15, pp. 14–18, 2011.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags:

Placitelli, Alessio Pierluigi; Gallo, Luigi

3D Point Cloud Sensors for Low-cost Medical In-situ Visualization Proceedings Article

In: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW), pp. 596–597, IEEE, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1613-3.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: 3D registration, Augmented Reality, Healthcare, Kinect

Blandford, Ann; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi; Gimblett, Andy; Oladimeji, Patrick; Thimbleby, Harold

Engineering interactive computer systems for medicine and healthcare (EICS4Med) Proceedings Article

In: EICS '11 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, pp. 341–342, ACM, Pisa, Italy, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0670-6.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Formal methods, Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Medical devices, Mobile computing, Natural User Interfaces, Safety

Gallo, Luigi; Placitelli, Alessio Pierluigi; Ciampi, Mario

Controller-free exploration of medical image data: experiencing the Kinect Proceedings Article

In: 2011 24th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), pp. 1–6, IEEE, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1189-3.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Kinect, Medical Imaging, Touchless interaction

Blandford, Ann; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi; Gimblett, Andy; Oladimeji, Patrick; Thimbleby, Harold

The biggest challenges are the social ones: workshop report from EICS4Med 2011 Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Engineering Interactive Computer Systems for Medicine and Healthcare, pp. 81, M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen. - Aachen, Pisa, Italy, 2011.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Human computer interaction

Blandford, A; Pietro, G De; Gallo, L; Gimblett, A; Oladimeji, P; Thimbleby, H

Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems for Medicine and Health Care (EICS4Med 2011) Book

CEUR-WS, Pisa, Italy, 2011, (tex.referencetype: proceedings).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Blandford, Ann; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi; Gimblett, Andy; Oladimeji, Patrick; Thimbleby, Harold

EICS4Med 2011 Journal Article

In: 2011.

BibTeX | Tags:

Pietro, Giuseppe De; Ciampi, Mario; Gallo, Luigi; Minutolo, Aniello

MITO: Medical Imaging Toolkit Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Medical Imaging, Natural User Interfaces, Touchless interaction

Coronato, Antonio; Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De

Medical Data Visualization via a Pervasive Multi-Agent Platform Book Section

In: Guah, Matthew (Ed.): Healthcare Delivery Reform and New Technologies: Organizational Initiatives, pp. 331–344, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2011.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Visualization


Gallo, Luigi

A Glove-Based Interface for 3D Medical Image Visualization Proceedings Article

In: Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Tsihrintzis, George A.; Damiani, Ernesto; Virvou, Maria; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C. (Ed.): Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, pp. 221–230, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Baltimore, USA, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-642-14619-0.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: 3D interaction, Data glove, Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Visualization

Gallo, Luigi; Ciampi, Mario; Minutolo, Aniello

Smoothed Pointing: a User-Friendly Technique for Precision Enhanced Remote Pointing Proceedings Article

In: 2010 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), pp. 712–717, IEEE Computer Society, Krakow, Poland, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5917-9.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: C-D ratio, Pointing, Smoothing, Wiimote

Ciampi, Mario; Gallo, Luigi; Coronato, Antonio; Pietro, Giuseppe De

Middleware Mechanisms for Interaction Interoperability in Collaborative Virtual Environments Journal Article

In: International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 154–166, 2010, ISSN: ISSN (Online): 1741-8003 - ISSN (Print): 1462-4613.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Human computer interaction, Interoperability, Middleware, Multi-agent systems, Natural User Interfaces, Virtual Reality

Gallo, Luigi; Minutolo, Aniello; Pietro, Giuseppe De

A user interface for VR-ready 3D medical imaging by off-the-shelf input devices Journal Article

In: Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 350–358, 2010, ISSN: 0010-4825.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Interaction techniques, Medical Imaging, Natural User Interfaces, Pointing, User study, Virtual Reality, Wiimote

Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Marra, Ivana

3D interaction with volumetric medical data: experiencing the Wiimote Proceedings Article

In: 1st International ICST Conference on Ambient Media and Systems, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags:


Gallo, Luigi; Ciampi, Mario

Wii Remote-enhanced Hand-Computer Interaction for 3D Medical Image Analysis Proceedings Article

In: CTIT '09: Proceedings of International conference on the Current Trends in Information Technology, pp. 85–90, IEEE Computer Society, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5755-7.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: 3D interaction, Data glove, Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Visualization, Wiimote

Gallo, Luigi; Coronato, Antonio

Pervasive Distributed Volume Rendering in a Lightweight Multi-agent Platform Proceedings Article

In: ICIS '09 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human, pp. 750–755, ACM, Seoul, Korea, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60558-710-3.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Middleware, Multi-agent systems, Ray casting

Esposito, Massimo; Gallo, Luigi; Coronato, Antonio; Vecchia, Gennaro Della

An Infrastructure for Pervasive Access to Clinical Data in eHospitals Proceedings Article

In: Damiani, Ernesto; Jeong, Jechang; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C. (Ed.): New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services - 2, pp. 431–442, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Mogliano Veneto, Italy, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-642-02936-3.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: EHR, Healthcare, Localization, Pervasive computing, RFID, Tracking

Jeon, Gwanggil; Falcón, Rafael; Gallo, Luigi; Jeong, Jechang; Suh, Il Hong

Single field deinterlacing scheme using edge-direction vectors in interlaced sequences Journal Article

In: Optical Engineering, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 067001, 2009, ISSN: ISSN (Online): 1560-2303 - ISSN (Print): 0091-3286.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Deinterlacing, Fuzzy, Membership function, Sobel operation

Jeon, Gwanggil; Fang, Yong; Gallo, Luigi; Park, Sang-Jun; Lee, Rokkyu; Jeong, Jechang

Cascade Fuzzy Filters for Impulse and Random Noise Cancellation Proceedings Article

In: ISCE '09. IEEE 13th International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, pp. 498–502, IEEE Computer Society, Mielparque-Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2975-2.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Fuzzy, Image denoising, Noise

Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De

Input Devices and Interaction Techniques for VR-Enhanced Medicine Book Section

In: Damiani, Ernesto; Jeong, Jechang (Ed.): Multimedia Techniques for Device and Ambient Intelligence, pp. 115–134, Springer US, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-387-88776-0, (Publisher: Springer US).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Interaction metaphors, Medicine, Virtual Reality

Coronato, Antonio; Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De

Medical Data Visualization via a Pervasive Multi-Agent Platform Journal Article

In: International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 68–81, 2009, ISSN: ISSN (Online): 1938-0224 - ISSN (Print): 1938-0216.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Mobile computing, Multi-agent systems, Pervasive computing


Gallo, Luigi; Minutolo, Aniello

A Natural Pointing Technique for Semi-Immersive Virtual Environments Proceedings Article

In: Mobiquitous '08 Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services, pp. 1–4, ICST, Dublin, Ireland, 2008, ISBN: 978-963-9799-27-1.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Interaction techniques, Pointing, Virtual Reality, Wiimote

Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Coronato, Antonio; Marra, Ivana

Toward a Natural Interface to Virtual Medical Imaging Environments Proceedings Article

In: AVI '08 Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, pp. 429–432, ACM New York, NY, USA, Napoli, Italy, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-60558-141-5.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: 3D interaction, Human computer interaction, Medical Imaging, Virtual Reality

Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Marra, Ivana

User-Friendly Inspection of Medical Image Data Volumes in Virtual Environments Proceedings Article

In: CISIS '08: Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, pp. 749–754, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, 2008, ISBN: 0-7695-3109-1.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: 3D interaction, Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Medical Imaging, Virtual Reality

Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Minutolo, Aniello

Realistic vs. Magic Interaction Metaphors in Virtual Environments Unpublished


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Human computer interaction, Interaction metaphors, Interaction techniques, Natural User Interfaces, Virtual Reality, Wiimote

Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Marra, Ivana

3D Interaction with Volumetric Medical Data: experiencing the Wiimote Proceedings Article

In: 2008 1st international conference on Ambient Media and Systems (Ambi-Sys), pp. 1–6, ICST, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2008, ISBN: 978-963-9799-16-5.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: 3D interaction, Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Manipulation, Pointing, Usability, Virtual Reality

Coronato, Antonio; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi

An agent based platform for task distribution in virtual environments Journal Article

In: Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 877–882, 2008, ISSN: 1383-7621.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Context awareness, Multi-agent systems, Pervasive computing


Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi; Marra, Ivana; Vanzanella, Carmen

A New Approach for Handling 3D Medical Data in an Immersive Environment Proceedings Article

In: VECIMS 2007. IEEE Symposium on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems, 2007, pp. 63–66, IEEE Computer Society, Ostuni, Italy, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0820-7.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Healthcare, Human computer interaction, Medical Imaging, Volume Rendering

Coronato, Antonio; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi

Automatic Execution of Tasks in MiPeG Proceedings Article

In: Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, pp. 702–709, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Paris, France, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-72359-2.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Grid computing, Multi-agent systems, Pervasive computing, Utility computing

Coronato, Antonio; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi

Dynamic Distribution and Execution of Tasks in Pervasive Grids Proceedings Article

In: 15th EUROMICRO International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, pp. 419–423, IEEE Computer Society, Naples, Italy, 2007, ISBN: 0-7695-2784-1.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Grid computing, Mobile computing, Software Engineering


Coronato, Antonio; Pietro, Giuseppe De; Gallo, Luigi

Distribuzione ed esecuzione automatica di task in griglie pervasive Technical Report

ICAR-CNR no. RT-ICAR-NA-2006-15, 2006.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Multi-agent systems


Chirico, Andrea; Giovannetti, Tania; Neroni, Pietro; Simone, Stephanie; Gallo, Luigi; Galli, Federica; Giancamilli, Francesco; Predazzi, Marco; Lucidi, Fabio; Pietro, Giuseppe De; others,

Virtual Reality Action Test Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Psychology, 0000.

BibTeX | Tags:

Ciampi, Mario; Gallo, Luigi; Pietro, Giuseppe De

MITO: An advanced toolkit for medical imaging processing and visualization Journal Article

In: 0000.

BibTeX | Tags:

Pietro, Giuseppe De; Faggiano, Armando; Gallo, Luigi; Sannino, Giovanna; Vecchione, Carmine

A Rehabilitation System for Post-operative Heart Surgery Journal Article

In: 0000.

BibTeX | Tags:

140 entries « 2 of 2 »



Keynote Talks

  • 2023, October 10 – Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Advances and Applications in Research Oncology and Clinical OncologyNext Oncology 2023, Next Oncology – Supporting Oncology through innovation, Milano, Italy. Website
  • 2022, March 1 – Touchless interactions in SurgeryICCI 2022, International Conference on Cybernetics and Innovations, Ratchaburi, Thailand. Website
  • 2019, June 25 – Interactive Virtual Environments: From the Laboratory to the FieldSalentoAVR 2019, 6th International Conference on Augmented and Virtual Reality, Lecce, Italy. Website
  • 2016, October 2 – Vision-based human-computer interaction in the operating theatrePRIP 2016, 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. Website
  • 2015, September 1 – Touchless Interaction in Surgery: the Medical Imaging Toolkit experienceSalentoAVR 2015, 2nd International Conference on Augmented and Virtual Reality, Lecce, Italy. Website

Invited Talks

  • 2023, November 14 – Realtà Aumentata e VirtualeLa Scienza che non c’era: L’informatica e i prossimi 100 anni del CNR, Area di Ricerca CNR Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Website
  • 2023, September 30 – Lessons Learnt from the SMART BEAR ProjectSTRESS Congress, Palatul Parlamentului, Bucarest, Romania. Host: Prof. Luiza Spiru.
  • 2023, May 2 – Enhancing and promoting tangible and intangible cultural heritage: an HCI perspectivePhD Course in “Umanesimo e Tecnologie”, Università di Macerata, Italy. Host: Prof. Roberto Lambertini.
  • 2022, December 19 – Sperimentare la realtà estesa e l’interazione uomo-macchina nella riabilitazione personalizzata, Personalized Rehabilitation: Combining Mind, Body and Genetics 2022, Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Napoli, Italia.
  • 2022, October 25 – Home Care and Assisted Living for the Elderly: The SMART BEAR Approach, Digital Transformation Summit 2022, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Website
  • 2022, September 9 – Enhancing and promoting tangible and intangible cultural heritage: an HCI perspective, eXtended Reality and Artificial Intelligence, International Summer School 2022 on “XR and AI for enhancing cultural and territorial heritage”, Matera, Italy. Host: Prof. Ugo Erra. Website
  • 2018, December 14 – The potential of virtual reality in various health care settings: promises and challenges, Artificial Intelligence and Health, Rome, Italy. Host: Prof. Clara Balsano. Website
  • 2018, November 15 – Piattaforma DatabencArt – progetto per le scuole della CampaniaXXII Edizione della Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologico, Paestum (SA), Italy. Host: Luisa Franzese. Website
  • 2018, September 29 – La realtà virtuale per il training cognitivoConvention Realtà virtuale in soggetti con impairment cognitivo, Gallarate (VA), Italia. Host: Dr. Marco Predazzi. Website
  • 2017, February 15 – Interactive ICT technologies for Cultural Heritage, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN), Napoli, Italy. Host: Dr. Paolo Giulierini. Website
  • 2014, June 6 – Interfacce gestuali touchless per la visualizzazione di immagini medicheChirurgie 2014 – Simulazione nella Formazione, Programmazione e Ricerca in Chirurgia, Napoli, Italy. Host: Prof. Marco De Fazio. Website
  • 2013, November 11 – Multi-DOF touchless interaction with 3D medical dataBody Tracking in Healthcare 2013, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK. Organisers: Abigail Sellen, Kenton O’Hara, Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche. Website
  • 2008, March – Realistic vs. magic interaction metaphors in virtual environmentsMultimedia Techniques for Device and Ambient Intelligence – MTDAI 2008, Mogliano Veneto, Italy. Host: Prof. E. Damiani.


Best Graphical Abstract Award @ METROXRAINE

Rausa, Maria; Gaglio, Salvatore; Augello, Agnese; Caggianese, Giuseppe; Franchini, Silvia; Gallo, Luigi; Sabatucci, Luca, “Enriching Metaverse With Memories Through Generative AI: A Case Study”, presented at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (METROXRAINE 2024), London, UK, 21-23 October 2024.

Best Research Paper Award @ AIxPAC

Gaglio, Giuseppe Fulvio; Augello, Agnese; Pipitone, Arianna; Gallo, Luigi; Sorbello, Rosario; Chella, Antonio, “Moral Mediators in the Metaverse: Exploring Artificial Morality through a Talking Cricket Paradigm”, presented at the 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Perception and Artificial Consciousness (AIxPAC 2023), Rome, Italy, 8 November 2023. Link

Best Research Paper Award @ ICT4AWE

Vadim Peretokin, Ioannis Basdekis, Ioannis Kouris, Jonatan Maggesi, Mario Sicuranza, Qiqi Su, Alberto Acebes, Anca Bucur, Vinod R. Mukkala, Konstantin Pozdniakov, Christos Kloukinas, Dimitrios D. Koutsouris, Elefteria Iliadou, Ioannis Leontsinis, Luigi Gallo, Giuseppe De Pietro and George Spanoudakis, “Overview of the SMART-BEAR Technical Infrastructure”, presented at the 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE), Online, 23-25 April 2022. Link

Second Place Award - Gesture Demonstration Competition @ ICPR

L. Gallo, A.P. Placitelli, G. De Pietro, “A Kinect NUI for 3D Medical Visualization”, demonstrated at the CHALEARN Gesture Demonstration Competition, in conjunction with the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, November 10-11, 2012. Organizers: Isabelle Guyon, Vassilis Athitsos. Judges: Alex Balan, Hugo Jair Escalante, Paul Doliotis, Jeffrey Margolis. ChaLearn Gesture Demonstration Competition website

Best Research Paper Award @ IIMSS

L. Gallo, “A Glove-Based Interface for 3D Medical Image Visualization”, presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent and Interactive Multimedia: Systems and Services, Baltimore, USA, 28-30 July 2010.

Degree & PhD Theses

  • L. Gallo, “Semi-immersive interactive virtual environments for 3D medical imaging”, University of Naples Parthenope, Philosophiæ Doctor degree in Information Engineering, 2010. PhD Thesis

  • L. Gallo, “Distribuzione ed esecuzione automatica di task in griglie pervasive”, University of Naples Federico II, Degree in Computer Engineering, 2006. MEng Thesis